After a few questions from my friend Kate and lots of discussion...
How do i feel now since my revert?
Well the main thing for me is that i feel so much happier! i was in such a bad place over december time, so low and just unhappy with everything in my life. But now i have found something that to me makes sense and is much more "black and white" something i know personally i need in my life for it to make sense to me. Also i have structure to my life and also to my day - which again is something i realised i needed, the 5 compulsory prayers provide this structure and always give me time to reflect on my purpose of life and having that constant reminder of God.
How has my life changed?
Well looking at my past and reflecting on how i was... hmmm i am not drinking alcohol anymore! This is a good think for me as i was so dependent on this drink to feel happier and help me escape from any feelings. I feel as if i have more energy, im looking after myself more, im not laying in and being lazy, i have this drive which is really exciting and i love having. I suppose this drive comes from wanting to do my best in everything i do now and the intentions behind all my actions are very important.
Yes the early starts i do struggle with the morning prayer alarm goes off at the moment around 3.30am - argh yes i do struggle and yes i have to hit myself around the face to get me to wake up, it's not easy but like all things you change and you get into a new routine you have to adapt as we are in an ever changing society.
Food wise i am eating halaal which the food has been blessed and killed in a certain way. i was very excited to find asda has a great range of halaal food - also chicken cottage in high barnet is halaal so i can get my unhealthy fix of take away!! Also i have heard subway is halaal too, need to check this out though. Oh and i dont eat pork anymore - which most of my mates seemed to be concerned about lol "what will you do without bacon sarnies?!?"
It was really hard in regards to covering and wearing the hijab though, i was so scared the first day i was out wearing a hijab and being on a bus, people starring at you etc. But then again who does not stare at everyone. Yes i do get the random comments sometimes from those who are ignorant - but so far my experience has been ok.
I prefer it especially in this cold weather we have had my ears have been covered nicely!!
My friends reactions have been mixed, however the important thing for me and i think them have been the fact that they know i am happy, it has been completely my choice my own free will and Islam just sits so well in my life and it is what my soul has naturally been needing :-)
I love as well how it compliments everything i have always believed in.... a creator, one God... and submitting your life to and for God.
There were loads more questions from Kate and lots of chatting but this is all im gonna write as i would likve a cuppa tea now :)
How do i feel now since my revert?
Well the main thing for me is that i feel so much happier! i was in such a bad place over december time, so low and just unhappy with everything in my life. But now i have found something that to me makes sense and is much more "black and white" something i know personally i need in my life for it to make sense to me. Also i have structure to my life and also to my day - which again is something i realised i needed, the 5 compulsory prayers provide this structure and always give me time to reflect on my purpose of life and having that constant reminder of God.
How has my life changed?
Well looking at my past and reflecting on how i was... hmmm i am not drinking alcohol anymore! This is a good think for me as i was so dependent on this drink to feel happier and help me escape from any feelings. I feel as if i have more energy, im looking after myself more, im not laying in and being lazy, i have this drive which is really exciting and i love having. I suppose this drive comes from wanting to do my best in everything i do now and the intentions behind all my actions are very important.
Yes the early starts i do struggle with the morning prayer alarm goes off at the moment around 3.30am - argh yes i do struggle and yes i have to hit myself around the face to get me to wake up, it's not easy but like all things you change and you get into a new routine you have to adapt as we are in an ever changing society.
Food wise i am eating halaal which the food has been blessed and killed in a certain way. i was very excited to find asda has a great range of halaal food - also chicken cottage in high barnet is halaal so i can get my unhealthy fix of take away!! Also i have heard subway is halaal too, need to check this out though. Oh and i dont eat pork anymore - which most of my mates seemed to be concerned about lol "what will you do without bacon sarnies?!?"
It was really hard in regards to covering and wearing the hijab though, i was so scared the first day i was out wearing a hijab and being on a bus, people starring at you etc. But then again who does not stare at everyone. Yes i do get the random comments sometimes from those who are ignorant - but so far my experience has been ok.
I prefer it especially in this cold weather we have had my ears have been covered nicely!!
My friends reactions have been mixed, however the important thing for me and i think them have been the fact that they know i am happy, it has been completely my choice my own free will and Islam just sits so well in my life and it is what my soul has naturally been needing :-)
I love as well how it compliments everything i have always believed in.... a creator, one God... and submitting your life to and for God.
There were loads more questions from Kate and lots of chatting but this is all im gonna write as i would likve a cuppa tea now :)
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